Saturday, November 19, 2011

John's Humanity

The concept of love is based on a basic instinct to reproduce.

This basic instinct is preserved through a belief in a higher power.

[this is to mean intentional instinctual survival, such as avoidance of suicide, rather than an animal's innate desire to survive without a deep conscious reasoning behind why - although, even this is faulty, for within suicidal attempts one still encounters instinctual 'fight or flight' responses, and conscious intention does not easily override these]

Acting in contrast to this basic instinct is primarily what makes humans unique.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Occupy (Shoe) Discernment

'The cops now know the whole scene, even the costumes, the jesuschrist strung-out hair, Indian beads, Indian headbands, donkey beads, temple bells, amulets, mandalas, god's-eyes, fluorescent vests, unicorn horns, Errol Flynn dueling shirts—but they still don't know about the shoes. The heads have a thing about shoes. The worst are shiny black shoes with shoelaces in them. The hierarchy ascends from there, although practically all lowcut shoes are unhip, from there on up to the boots the heads like, light, fanciful boots, English boots of the mod variety, if that is all they can get, but better something like hand-tooled Mexican boots with Caliente Dude Triple A toes on them.'

- The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test (1968)