Saturday, June 21, 2008

Morning Notes

What is the nature of consciousness

“Ones ideas must be as broad as Nature if they are to interpret Nature”

Spiritual consciousness is difficult to define

“Don’t stop to think of words but to see the picture better”

Great minds move us forward, although not on their own accord – Time does not allow for the natural process of deep insight, except in rare cases, to be completed by one person in one lifetime – but with the help of synthetics, experimentation in substance, sexuality, other physical modes of progression, those great risks in which only our immortal sense of consciousness benefits and not the delicate body, only with the assistance of outside catalysts can the common genius prolong perfect death.

“They say that genius is an infinite capacity for taking pains”

Native thought, primordial thought, the original and therefore most interesting insight into Nature – our visions which we carry around in our head like memory, our consciousness, not an imitation of something else boring and unoriginal and rarely worth more than that which has already been done better…

“record epiphanies of the day”

see the picture and describe it

“This is one mortal world we’re in, and this is the one and only chance to write it like a bible”

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